Language : French.
Made in France.
This box contains :
- 10 number and vowel cards
- 1 alphabet board for lessons
- 1 attendance sheet to fill in with pupils present
- 1 block of post-it labels to write pupils’ first names on
- 4 notebooks partially filled with exercises, collages and graphics
- 4 sets of 3 exercise sheets, one pre-filled with the correct answers
- 2 sheets of stickers to decorate the drawings and do the exercises on the days of the week, weather, seasons, size, etc.
- 1 bell to ring at recess or when school is out
- 1 clock for learning to tell the time
- 12 drawings and colourings on nursery school themes: castle, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, etc.
- 1 ‘bravo’ stamp with a smiley face to put on the most beautiful drawings or successful exercises
- 1 elastic thread with 6 mini clothes pegs for hanging up lessons and drawings…
- 1 pencil for writing and drawing
- 1 Lotto game with 2 trays, 12 cards, 1 ‘small market’ board and 1 mini-cabas to play and count with the fruit and vegetables
- 1 set of 20 farm animal cards to play Mémory and think about associations (cow/milk; sheep/wool, etc.)